bistromath's Diaryland Diary


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While we waste away our evenings with movies of fantasy land, does it occur to anyone that Philo T Farnsworth may have actually invented soma? We�re Diznifying accomplishment, we�re diznifying emotion, we�re diznifying conflict, resolution, we�re turning the entire human existence into a freaking cartoon of nonstop platitudes and easy answers. It�s gotten so bad, that the American population now seems to think that war is another ratings stunt on primetime and we truly believe everything should be wrapped up with a happy ending by five o�clock on Friday. We�ve changed discussion into rants, because no one is wrong in a network TV world, we�re ripping credit to the high heavens, cause everyone is a good person and deserves that thing they desire in a Disney world, we�re turning ourselves in a mockery, into a caricature of real existence.

You hear people sneer in bars about the clothes someone is wearing, or you hear someone say they wouldn�t date that haircut if it walked on thousand dollar bills. What is going on here? Are we selectively breeding our fucking brains out? Are the only people still having kids so fucking dumb that our species is going to perish when the Orange Julius at the mall finally runs out of powder, and the cinnabon burns down? What happens when the ads don�t arrive on time and you have nothing to distract yourself from all the other worthless shit you�ve already bought? Does anyone out there actually have any use what so ever for the latest entertainment gadget? What possible purpose does a brand new Mp3 player serve that the same 49-dollar Walkman you�ve had for three years can�t quite live up to? What is it that has triggered all of us to feel so much better when we can point to something new in our lives? It�s not like we made it, we just own it, and in most of the cases I know it isn�t even us that really owns the piece of soon to be forgotten shit anyway. It�s pell, and sallie mae, and MasterCard and bank one.

And then to top it all off, we have started to diznify the education process as well, holding people responsible for �customer opinion� and �post consumption satisfaction charts� Do we really need these new inventions to teach all the horseshit that is actually being taught? �Is Die Hard a realistic portrayal of the alienated man� �What constant derisive effect does the lack of dialogue in westerns mean to the female / male paradigm of today� Has anyone actually READ anything lately? Cause if you had I bet the test was to pick out a universally accepted theme and write four pages that have been written seventeen times before, only in a disturbingly un educated way, since if you had done your research you would have found out that anything you could possibly write on the subject is plagiary. What happened to the balance of academic curiosity and classic education? Seems like the only people coming out of undergrad classes with any real education are going straight into engineering, and all that means is that our ivory towers are actually asskickin trade skools.

The people that felt their education in the liberal arts was a seriously great thing are now all teaching the same uninspired drool that they were taught, only in order to prove that it has validity to their own empty shells of a life they require attendance. Is it so hard for these people to realize that there is not one single thing they know that I couldn�t find out more about in that some hour in the library than in an hour of their unintelligibly bad lectures? Oh, gee, really? There was a movement in France that worked very hard to mimic the impressionist painters? And then it happened in literature ALSO? OH MY HOLY GOD! Thank you so much for telling me what (bringing it all back home) you were told to care about by the history channel the night before. Fuck you. Fuck your TV. Fuck your doctorate in comparative bullshit of our culture and whatever culture you dearly wish you had been born in to assuage the vague feeling of guilt you so obviously love to parade at almost any function. Oh, and while I�m at it. Why don�t you shove your condescension to all the unwashed masses up your ass? I can kick your ass in the alley, and I can out work you in a library. Shove off and die.

yes, i know i have several confused points in there. so what? go fuck yourself.

6:34 a.m. - 04.02.2003


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